The time span of one human life covers at most a hundred years. 人生的跨度充其量百年而已。
Increasing our understanding of the fundamentals of metabolic signalling is an important part of working towards an increase in health span to match our increasing life spans. 加深了与我们的人均期望寿命相匹配的健康期望寿命增加的一个重要组成部分的新陈代谢信号基础的进一步了解。
I extend the span of my life to live here and there at the same time. 我将我生命的跨度拉长,同时活在这里和那里。
The evaluation and test of a given deliverable may span multiple phases of the project life cycle. 对于一个给定交付产品的评价和测试可能会延续项目生命周期的多个阶段。
EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: It is not known whether calorie restriction extends maximum life span or life expectancy in lean humans. 证据分析:还不知道限制热量的摄入能最大的延长瘦人的生命或预期寿命。
Seventy or eighty years is the normal span of a human life. 七十岁或八十岁是一个人的正常寿命。
There is a very limited time span in the young bird's life when IBD vaccine can be effective. 在雏鸡生长过程中IBD疫苗能够有效的时间段是有限的。
Compared to the span of life of a culture, the Great Death was instantaneous. 与一种文化生命的跨度相比,大规模的死亡是一瞬间的。
These members span many walks of life, including white-collar workers, teachers, migrant workers, farmers, and so on. 他们的成员来自各个方面,包括白领、教师、打工族、农民等等。
"During his span of life, he has achieved many things." “在他短暂的人生中,他完成很多件事。”
The short span of life forbids us to take on far-reading hopes. 短暂的生命不允许我们拥有过高的希望。
Through history learning, it dawns on us that our short life span is actually the continuation of a life. 透过历史的学习,我们了解到,我们短暂的寿限实际上是一个生命的延续。
And we should help them recover earlier and prolong their life span and improve their life quality through psychic concern and reasonable and balanced diet. 通过心理干预,合理调理膳食均衡,加强康复锻炼,以期达到延长寿命,提高生活质量的目的。
Result The average life span and average maximum life span of both male and female drosophila melanogasters fed on media containing 0.03%, 0.09% natural vitamin E were significantly longer than those fed on pure maize powder media. 结果喂饲0.03%、0.09%浓度的天然维生素E,雌雄果蝇平均寿命和平均最高寿命均显著延长。
Therefore, research-based curriculum, which is characteristic of openness, integrity and interaction, serves as an efficient bridge to span science and daily life. 研究型课程以其开放性、完整性和交互性有效地沟通了科学世界和生活世界。
The span of sport life is a complicate, developing and systematic process, and the length of CBA athlete's sport span reflects our country's basketball level. 运动寿命是一个系统的、复杂的、动态的过程,CBA运动员运动寿命的长短反映了我国篮球运动水平的高低。
Conclusion The active reoperation on patients with local recurrent rectal carcinoma can expand life span and improve life quality. 结论对于局部复发性直肠癌应积极手术,有助于延长生存期,提高生存质量。
Survival time of drosophila melanogaster fed on maize powder media containing 0.07%, 0.13% and 0.26% test substance was recorded, and average life span, average maximum life span, median death time were analyzed. 记录在含0.07%、0.13%和0.26%浓度受试物的玉米粉培养基上生长的果蝇生存时间,计算平均寿命和平均最高寿命。
Senescence is a degenerate process of tissues and organs in function and morphology in a span life, and the senescence of central nervous system has a dominant status in aging. 衰老是在生命进程中,机体的组织器官出现功能和形态的退变乃至老化的过程。
The incidence of diabetic arterial occlusion of lower extremities ( DAO) goes hand in hand with age-growth and it is an important factor impacting on the living quality and average span of life on patients with DAO. 糖尿病肢体动脉闭塞症严重影响着患者的生活质量和寿命,并且随着糖尿病发病率的升高呈增高的趋势。
Methods Expound the important role of the Chong Vessel in the human body from the origin, spatial structures, circulation characteristics, and tri-Jiao, four seas, natural span of life and message system. 方法:从冲脉的起源、空间序结构、运行特点以及与三焦、四海、天年、信息系统的关系等方面说明冲脉在人体的重要作用。
Furthermore, applying the activity-based costing method, the cost analysis functions of green product design on every stage are discussed synthetically, and the cost analysis model involving the whole span of products 'life cycle is set up. 在此基础上,运用基于作业的成本分析(ABC)法,全面论述了绿色产品设计各个阶段的成本分析函数,建立产品全生命周期的成本分析模型。
The results showed that the medial death time, average life span and average maximum life span in male and female Drosophila melanogasters were prolonged markedly. 结果表明,海狗肾能够显著延长雌性果蝇和雄性果蝇的半数死亡时间、平均寿命和平均最高寿命;
With the extension of the average life span, many people start their second life cycles, due to the recovery of physiological function. 随着人的平均寿命的不断延长,在更年期的调整变化中,不少人的内在生理机能出现了复苏现象,从而开始生命过程的第二周期。
Besides to low femal dose group, the difference of the average life span was not statistical. The average life span and maximun life span in low, middle and high dose groups were obviously prolonged. 除低剂量组未见延长雌性果蝇的平均寿命外,其它各剂量组(低、中、高)均延长了雌、雄果蝇的平均寿命、最高寿命(P<0.01);
Treatment of bone metastasis includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy and bone specific therapy aimed to prevent bone destruction, which can prolong the patients 'life span and improve quality of life. 抑制骨质破坏的特异性治疗可以明显提高患者的生活质量并延长患者的生存时间。
Hall maintained that: career is viewed as a long-term bundle of socialization experiences, as the person moves in, through, and out of various work-related roles over the span of his or her work life. Hall很早就指出:职业生涯是个体在其一生中进入、承担、离开许多工作相关的角色的过程中,一个长期的社会化经历的集合。
Historical consciousness is a mode of thinking which can span specific time and space and probe into life, society and the world. 历史意识,就是能够跨越特定时空,探察人生、社会和世界,审视过去、现在和将来的一种思维观念与方法。